There are versions of these Bibles aimed at men, women, sports players, recovering addicts, new believers, converted Jews, small group members, and many others. Has meditations and thoughts about issues of concern to people at a particular stage in life. Usually has a cyclopedic index (like an encyclopedia with a reference to the verse where the word or thought is used), a concordance (like a dictionary of common words with examples of their usage and verse references for each example), and maps.

(Some also have a cyclopedic index and/or a concordance-see Reference Bible.) They may also have extensive cross references, a narrative commentary, and maps. Such Bibles usually have extensive footnotes and explanatory notes next to the columns of text. Here are just a few of the many different kinds of Bibles. Most translations are available in several different types of Bible. Examples: The Living Bible (TLB), The Message. Translates the ideas from the original text but without being constrained by the original words or language. Examples: New International Version (NIV), Revised English Bible (REB). Attempts to keep a constant historical distance with regard to history and facts, but updates the writing style and grammar.

Thus, all modern Bibles are translations of the original languages. However, while Jesus most likely spoke Aramaic, the New Testament was originally written in Greek. The Old Testament was written primarily in Hebrew with small parts being written in Aramaic. Obviously, the Bible was not originally written in English, Italian or any modern language. The chart a little way down can also be downloaded as a printable GIF file just right click your mouse on it.

Some of the text material on this web page is available as a downloadable PDF file so you can print it. One section has examples of the same passage as it appears in several different translations. Also looks at the development of our modern English Bibles from the ancient manuscripts. This page compares different Bible translation types (word for word, thought for thought, paraphrase), translations (NIV, King James, NASB, NRSV, Living Bible, The Promise, The Message, Amplified Bible, etc.) and Bible types (Study Bible, Parallel Bible, Reference Bible, Chronological Bible, etc.). Bible Versions and Types - Word for Word (Literal), Thought for Thought, and Paraphrase