Star wars katana fleet
Star wars katana fleet

star wars katana fleet

Now, the idea that a serious Dark Side Badass needs a fleet of long-forgotten ships in order to do some serious damage is pretty much half the plot of the book Dark Force Rising, which is the second of three books in the Thrawn trilogy of novels written by Timothy Zahn. Original covers for the 'The Thrawn Trilogy' Random House/Del Rey The Expanded Universe Connection

star wars katana fleet

It’s pretty much only an army, which means, if they run out resources, it stands to reason they’ll need to steal from somewhere else. During the Empire’s reign, the galaxy-spanning government - the Republic - morphed into the Empire, meaning, that for a little while, you had an Imperial Senate. In fact, the primary difference between the First Order and the Empire is that is resources are a little less explicable in the new films, mostly because it functions as a military junta rather than a real government. Then again, unlike the Empire, the First Order isn’t exactly a government at all. The Empire and the First Order have new and shiny ships, but the Rebellion and the Resistance have to kind of get by on what they can cobble together. In some senses - at least in the classic films - it feels like all spaceships are super-old, kind of like a dystopian economy where everyone drives a used car from twenty years prior, except for the evil dudes who work for the man. Minus a few scenes in Solo: A Star Wars Story, we rarely see spaceships being constructed Star Wars movies. The rumor goes on to state the Kylo Ren needs to find this fleet of ships to get his mojo going again. Since Emperor Palpatine’s death, the fleet has been dodging gravity wells and surviving in the wilderness of space in the unknown regions waiting to be found and to finish their mission. The universe is “not entirely stable.” The area is dangerous and full of peril. Here’s a snippet from the Making Star Wars article: The Sith Stormtroopers have been hidden away in the unknown regions. The Rumorįirst off, last week, the fairly reliable (read: not Mike Zeroh) Star Wars fansite, Making Star Wars reported the rumor that the origin of the mysterious Sith Troopers is connected to a lost fleet of ships that have been lost in the far reaches of the galaxy. Spoilers ahead for unverified rumors about The Rise of Skywalker Also speculative spoilers ahead and some mild spoilers for novels published in the nineties. And, if all of this does go down, it seems to leave the blast doors wide open for some expanded universe retcon. Will Kylo Ren have something in common with Grand Admiral Thrawn in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker? If one new rumor is to be believed, Kylo will pull something in the next Star Wars movie that is very similar to a huge plot point in Timothy Zahn’s famous Thrawn trilogy of novels.

Star wars katana fleet